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Sustainability Skills

In the Sustainability Skills program, vocational education, business, governments and boosters in different regions are working to develop sustainable skills. These skills are needed to work on local sustainability transitions. In the regional initiatives, they are mapping together what skills are needed now and in the future. They are also developing practical solutions so that students in vocational education and workers in practice can acquire those skills.

Purpose of Sustainability Skills

It is essential that current and future workers are equipped with the skills, knowledge and attitudes they need in sustainability transitions. Sustainability Skills was created to bring together initiatives around 'learning in transitions' regionally. In the regions we work on new perspectives and solutions. With this program we support networks that, in a regional context, work cooperatively on transition. This involves boosting and scaling up educational innovation in secondary vocational, intermediate and higher vocational education as well as embedding it in business operations. With support from the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Goldschmeding Foundation for People, Work and Economy, Learning for Tomorrow has been working on Sustainability Skills since 2019.

Connect too!

  • Would your organization like to join one of the existing regional collaborations (Friesland; Flevoland; Utrecht; South Holland; Rotterdam)? Then contact Daan de Kruijf at daan@lerenvoormorgen.org.
  • Does your initiative connect education, business, government and researchers at the regional level? And would you like to join the program to develop and/or grow this initiative? We would like to get to know you better. Fill in this questionnaire and we will contact you within 7 business days!
  • Never miss the latest news and developments around Sustainability Skills! Stay up to date with the newsletter which we send out several times a year.
  • Sign up for one of the meetups Of Sustainability Skills!


The Circular Skills Meetup was the event for professionals from education, business, research institutions and governments working on the circular transition. Together, we explored...
Together with a CoP from Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, we worked on the Sustainable Technology Minor to integrate sustainability and circular skills into higher...
What roles do new forms of education, circular education and building a circular economy require of teachers? This question was the thread running through the project....
Three members of Cooperative Learning for Tomorrow entered into conversation with teachers from VO, MBO and HO about what is needed in...
In this project, we set up a learning environment in Westland to develop Sustainability Skills around circular greenhouse horticulture.
This project aims to form an interdisciplinary collaboration with the goal of contributing to building practice, learning and innovation capacity....
With the education consortium in Flevoland, we are working to structurally educate for a Circular Regional Economy. We do this by identifying needs, forming collaborations...
Members of Cooperative Learning for Tomorrow have developed a Sustainable Education Roadmap that schools can use to develop their own vision that fits the DNA of...
Based on two roundtable discussions with education professonials and drivers of the circular economy, a graphic of Circular Skills in Context: what, why and...
In this project, we investigate what the shift from linear to circular construction means for the industry and related training.
NHL Stenden set out to find out if it is possible to use a game to teach someone what circularity is. By first being on the...
In this project, we developed an education manual with portraits and real-life stories of teachers from all levels of vocational education who inspire because they are building circular...
Many of your students who will soon be working in construction and installation companies will later have to deal with circular work. With the inspiration document what in this project...
Developing didactics for conveying circular skills to train for the future in connection with the environment.
Developing the skills for teachers needed to redesign curriculum in connection with the environment to train for...
In the Community of Practice, school leaders, education managers and program managers engage together in vision and leadership to innovate for sustainable development.
In the Community of Practice, teachers will work together on pedagogy and didactics to connect their teaching to local transition issues.
In the Community of Practice, (Associate) professors, practitioners, teacher researchers and teachers (MBO and HBO) will work together on hybrid learning environments.
In this project, we give young people a voice about circular education in the Netherlands. This way we prevent a mismatch between education and the labor market....
In this project, we are working to raise awareness and professionalize engineering teacher educators and trainee teachers around connecting the...
In this project, a circular skills program was developed around sustainable fashion and textiles for students of the ROC van Amsterdam's fashion school.
The National Talent Program Leadership for the Circular Transition (LCT) trains the next generation to become circular changemakers for the Netherlands of tomorrow.
This is badly needed: The Netherlands wants to be a fully circular economy by 2050. In a circular economy, repairing is the first action taken...
The Talent Innovation Pool (TIP) has grown within Hogeschool Rotterdam into a learning environment for interdisciplinary collaboration. After the first round on circular building, we are exploring...
In this project, students from vo, mbo, hbo and wo work from their regular curriculum together with Frisian builders, policy makers and farmers on the...

Latest News


De uitdagingen van de energietransitie en de transitie naar een duurzame samenleving zijn groot en complex. Om deze transitie te kunnen maken zijn (veel) vakmensen…
Sustainability and the circular economy in mbo: what are the opportunities and challenges?
Do your students know where their phones go when they buy a new one? Or what happens to the materials in the old building at...
In the Sustainability Skills program, members of the Learning for Tomorrow cooperative explored how vocational education can train young people for the circular transition....
Much is said about the future labor market without including the future itself. Current policies are not sufficiently attuned to young people. As a result...
Leading up to this article, we struck up a conversation with Daan de Kruijf. Daan has now been active for Learning for Tomorrow for three years as...
Accelerating the circular transition requires skills that enable people to leverage innovations, set up new business processes, think...
What does a monitor look like to measure circularity in education? With this main question, Leren voor Morgen went to the research agency CINOP. A preliminary study...
What do construction and installation students need to learn to achieve a sustainable, circular built environment in the future? How are work processes changing, what...
What does a monitor look like to measure circularity in education? With this main question, Leren voor Morgen went to the research agency CINOP. A preliminary study...
The Circular Skills program presents a new report. In June and July, Learning for Tomorrow in collaboration with NADO and SME organized a market consultation in the...
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