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As a cooperative, we represent the voice of a growing group of organizations advocating for more sustainable and future-oriented education. We want this voice to be heard in places that matter: in places where quality requirements and learning objectives are determined and where educational innovations are deployed. By combining the voices of all members of the cooperative, we are stronger and give more weight to the social importance of sustainable education.

Although Article 23 of the Constitution guarantees freedom of education, there are central places where frameworks are shaped. Learning objectives and examination requirements are determined nationally, and control of educational institutions is also organized nationally. The final implementation takes place at the local level. Reason to want to participate as a cooperative in discussions with politicians, the national government, the umbrella organizations for education, teachers' associations and school administrators, school leaders, teachers and students.

Periodically, we determine with members of the cooperative where our focus should be and where our sustainable voice has the most impact.


In the coming period, these are our focal points:

  1. We want to emphasize the importance of learning for sustainable development when revising the core objectives of "citizenship," "man and nature" and "man and society.
  2. We want to continue to ask the government to follow up on the promised strategy for sustainability in education (see this chamber letter). We have in response to this room letter 5 opinions formulated to the (newly formed) cabinet.
  3. We want to emphasize the importance of learning for sustainable development at times when policy-making organizations such as education councils are discussing their future vision for education.
Schermafbeelding 2023-08-28 om 14.58.24
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