Sustainable Education Roadmap
In this project, seven members of the Learning for Tomorrow cooperative formed to design a Sustainable Education Roadmap. On Sept. 7, 2021, the project team officially launched the first usable version of the Roadmap. Shortly after, on Sept. 15, a webinar followed in which Patrick van der Hofstad, director of Technotrend Foundation, explained all aspects of the Roadmap. The webinar is here REVIEW.
From the beginning, the Roadmap was built on three concepts: Whole School Approach, the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD, known as The Natural Step) and Participatory Action Research. The steps of the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development form the basis. Each step involves the Whole School Approach: all parts of school life are covered. The third concept, Participatory Action Research, mainly describes the way in which dialogue is conducted collectively.
The intent of the Road Map is to develop a vision rooted in "the DNA" of the school. Instead, the preparation phase and one of the steps in the Roadmap focus on researching what is already going on in the school, what talents and resources exist, and motivations and visions of teachers and students. Many schools have already been engaged in sustainable projects in recent years, such as Eco-schools and SDGs. Therefore, these and other existing tools are included in the Roadmap.
To the Roadmap
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The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.