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TIP Emission-free Construction

In 2019, the Hogeschool Rotterdam launched the "Talent Innovation Pool" (TIP): an innovative learning environment, in which students from different programs of the Institute Built Environment work in interdisciplinary teams on practical issues from companies in the region around circular and zero-emission building. In this way, TIP contributes to both the transition to a sustainable built environment in the metropolitan region and the development of the necessary skills among students and employees. Last year, the college created a plan for the perpetuation and further scaling up of TIP from the Sustainability Skills program.
The challenges surrounding sustainable building, which both society and businesses face, are large and comprehensive. TIP Emission-free Building is a learning and working community in which trainees and graduates of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences work together with companies and experts to learn from and with each other and to find solutions for more sustainable building. To this end, a process has been set up that is not so much about applying individual (professional) knowledge, but rather about understanding the situation and cleverly combining knowledge from multiple parties. With the goal of giving all participants a rich "context" and skills around the problem and solution. Participating in TIP Emission Free Building stimulates discussions and cross-pollination to come to deeper insights together and from here to solutions together.  
In this, TIP serves multiple purposes, for education, research and businesses alike. First and foremost is to feed effective educational innovation, appropriate to today's challenges. But also to initiate a broader knowledge network (ecosystem) of affiliated companies, schools, knowledge partners and experts to feed the research and education program (both minors and adult education for lifelong learning).

For twenty weeks, students and young professionals receive knowledge one day a week through master classes. Experience shows that participation in a TIP round is a valuable addition to the execution of an internship assignment or graduation. This applies not only to the student, but certainly also to the company and the participating professional. The students not only get to work on their substantive assignment, but also learn to cooperate with other disciplines, are engaged in an innovative issue and create knowledge creation from which group dynamics emerge. In addition, they are challenged to actively contribute to the group goal. The bar is high; the payoff is more than worth it. The starting point is digitizing, learning and developing application-oriented knowledge. TIP Emissionless Building '22-'23 took place in education periods 1 and 2 of school year 2022-2023.

The '23-'24 round takes place in teaching periods 1 and 2 of school year 2023-2024. This year round, students from HBO participate in TIP. But at the same time we are making preparations to include MBO in the coming years. Furthermore, both Hogeschool Rotterdam and Universiteit van Amsterdam are involved in evaluating the process. Ten students are participating this year (in addition to 12 participants from companies), but the insights we gain together will have an impact on the curriculum and form of education for all 3700 students enrolled at the Institute for Built Environment of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. This will materialize in a role as a Pilot project for effective learning communities and the transition to task-oriented education at the University of Applied Sciences. It also plays a role in collaboration with the lecturers involved in feeding the curriculum (minors, continuing education, part-time courses, etc.) from the Center of Expertise.

For more information, please contact Cora Jongenotter of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Read more about task-based education within a learning community and the TIP? Look further!

Join Sustainability Skills!
Below we tell you how to join the program.

  • Would your organization like to join one of the existing regional collaborations (Friesland; Flevoland; Utrecht; South Holland; Rotterdam)? If so, please contact Daan de Kruijf at
  • Does your initiative connect education, business, government and researchers at the regional level? And would you like to join the program to develop and/or grow this initiative? We would like to get to know you better. Fill in this questionnaire and we will contact you within 7 business days!
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