- Inspiration
- 6 February 2025
Er is veel werk aan de winkel op het gebied van verduurzaming binnen de glastuinbouw. Drie jaar geleden is een groep ondernemers bij elkaar gekomen en zijn samen het initiatief…
This is the overview page for Higher Education (HE) where you can find knowledge, online and offline events, news and tools to get started with sustainability within the ho.
More and more people are aware that the 21st century requires a change in the way we treat each other and the earth. How can we build a sustainable society where there is room for the development of everyone's unique talent? And what does this mean for education? More and more teachers and administrators are working on giving learning for sustainable development a place in their lessons and their learning environment. Learning for Tomorrow offers them a platform to actively learn from each other's experiences.
The Whole School Approach helps schools to start thinking and acting sustainably in the place where the school is currently working: whether this is making the curriculum more sustainable, greening the schoolyard or developing a vision on sustainability that fits in with the school policy. The WSA gives space to work on each part, without losing sight of the coherence.
The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.