School vmbo Twello
WSA section
Students, teachers, other educational partners in the Netherlands, Spain, Romania and Uganda
Good Practice vmbo Twello is working with educational partners from the Netherlands, Spain, Romania and Uganda in a sustainable learning community (SILC). The goal of this learning community is to develop a global citizenship program that involves young people in SDG projects.
Since 2008, every two years, 16 students and four teachers have gone to Uganda and have focused on themes of food security, poverty, sustainable agriculture and vocational education. Before and after their trip, they give presentations at school. Over the past 15 years, partnerships have been built within the education and private sectors in both the Netherlands and Uganda.
Currently, the focus of the SILC program in Uganda is to develop a practical module on "entrepreneurship and agriculture" for secondary schools in Uganda. In October 2022, 16 students and 4 teachers from in Uganda conducted workshops on "entrepreneurship and agriculture."
Some lessons from the workshops are about improving soil fertility. This includes the use of a soil game developed by Ugandan and Dutch educational partners (* students from Windesheim, Cibap, Wageningen University,, Mountains of the Moon University and Hoys College). It is a great example of hands-on education where more is learned about soil fertility through play. The theory on soil fertility is put into practice in the school garden in Uganda.
To put more focus on Europe, a few years back we started a cooperation with two high schools in Romania and recently with a school in Spain. Within SILC students from secondary and higher education work on a program of the high schools. The five themes currently being worked on are world citizenship, waste management, sustainable agriculture, poverty and sustainable communities/cities.
View here a video about the bottom game. Read more about the bottom game and check out the teacher's guide
Want to know more about the international learning communities (Silc - Sustainable International Learning Community for Global Citizen Education)? Then contact Pieter Temminck (
Stay tuned!
The sustainable international learning community is one of the good practices of the SustainaBul VO. Do you also want to take sustainable steps at your school? Join the SustainaBul VO network via the website or contact project manager Eline Koopman. Stay updated on learning for sustainable development in secondary education? Sign up for the network VO voor Morgen!