Participants in the webinar considered who has a role in making your school building and operations more sustainable.
Along with table guests like Marco van Zandwijk (expert housing and sustainability Knowledge Center Space-OK), Wilma Kempinga (research firm Ms. Meijer), Mariken Brink (head of the housing department of the Scope School Group) and Wouter Vervaart (Advisor educational housing and social real estate at Municipality of Amsterdam) sought answers to questions such as:
- How do you engage school users to adopt sustainable behaviors?
- Are you leading by example yourself?
- Do you include outdoor space in the sustainability process?
- How does it Education Housing Innovation Program of the National Growth Fund help make the school stock more sustainable?
Participants received practical, inspiring tips and tools, and there is an opportunity to ask questions online.
This webinar is part of the series of webinars organized prior to the 'Working meeting Sustainability in Education' on Nov. 27.
Links referenced in the webinar:
Sectoral roadmap (The road to sustainability of educational real estate)
- Sustainable development goals include in housing policy
Innovation Program Space-OK
- Energy conservation support Space-OK
- Learning from practical experiences of sustainability Space-OK
Packaging Waste Fund, plastic collection counter reopens Dec. 1
- Help with sustainable multi-year building management
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