As network coordinator VO, I want to help accelerate sustainable development in secondary education. Together with various members of the cooperative, I keep an overview of the various initiatives related to sustainability in secondary education. We share good examples and I connect people to continue learning together. I am also a member coordinator: I am the first point of contact for new and existing members on everything to do with membership of the cooperative. From that role, I also work on the question of how we can better connect the various members within the Learning for Tomorrow cooperative.
I get energy from empowering people. What motivates me is the knowledge that everyone can play a role and that together we can make a difference. The difference for all future generations, so that together they can enjoy a healthy and happy life on this earth. I personally enjoy going outside and hiking - weather or not.
The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.