With the SustainaBul, Learning for Tomorrow, in collaboration with the Goldschmeding Foundation, to achieve further sustainability in education. We do this by positively stimulating and inspiring education through collaboration, knowledge sharing, peer consultation and benchmarking (how do you score on integrally embedding sustainability in the institution? How does this score compare to other institutions? And where are the areas for improvement to take further steps?).
This is how we and our members contribute in an inspiring and positive way to the quality improvement and renewal of education and the joint development towards a sustainable society and labor market!
"In today's society, it is our social mission for MBO schools to prepare our students well for the professions of the future. The world around us is constantly changing. In it, there are many themes that are important. The climate, energy, food and human and animal welfare, these are the themes that are important." - Cyrille van Bragt, Board of Directors at Yuverta
SustainaBul MBO is a network of schools trying to achieve further sustainability in MBO education. They do this through knowledge sharing and cooperation in various meetings. The SustainaBul is based on the Whole School Approach for sustainable development and peer consultation therefore takes place around the themes of education, practice, operations and their integral approach.
Participants also complete a questionnaire on sustainability within the school. These questions provide a clear framework for a sustainable school and help in drafting and monitoring sustainability policies. The questionnaire and methodology can also be used as a benchmark tool. At the end of the year, all participants are festively honored at the presentation of the SustainaBul. With this we put the schools and the role they play in the transition in the spotlight! Because all roles are important in the transition, we work with three categories: Kickstarters, Accelerators and Leaders.
Would you like to know more about this? Then check out the website of SustainaBul MBO!
Read the extensive experience stories of Albeda & ROC Rivor and Yuverta & ROC of Amsterdam-Flevoland
You can only really make meters if you do it together
"The SustainaBul is such a great tool for you and your colleagues to take a critical look at how your school approaches sustainability. Above all, it shows very well your growth and the steps made. I think we all need to embrace the SDGs, not only in our own actions but also towards students and the work field, a SustainaBul really helps with that." - Dominique Majoor, Board of Governors, Koning Willem I College
"We started participating for inspiration, to exchange experiences, to be able to ask questions in the app group and to keep the topic of sustainability on the agenda internally. Come attend the first meeting and don't think you're not ready to join yet: just start, you can do it small too." - Netty Bonouvrié, senior policy officer, ROC Rivor
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The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.