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Mon September 16, 2024, 15:00 U - 17:00 hrs

Knowledge-sharing meeting SustainaBul MBO: Powerful communication for a sustainable future


How do you communicate sustainability within your organization?

We face enormous sustainability challenges, but together we can make a difference. By communicating effectively, we can foster a culture of sustainability within our organizations and inspire others to get involved.

What language can you use to get everyone on board in the transition to a more sustainable future? Using various case studies, we share experiences and exchange valuable knowledge.

This is a knowledge-sharing meeting for sustainability coordinators (or similar position) - people who are integral to sustainability within their mbo school. It is only for people connected through the sustainabul sustainability coordinators network.

Would you like to be part of this and is your school not yet a member of the SustainaBul MBO network for sustainability in mbo? Or do you have a case study you would like to share? Please send an email to sustainabulmbo@lerenvoormorgen.org

On Sept. 30 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., we are hosting an online meeting on this same topic especially for communications professionals. Check our calendar to sign up for this.


Mon September 16, 2024, 15:00 U - 17:00 hrs


Online, Teams


For whom

Those working integrally on sustainability in mbo
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