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Care for Climate petition

The call from Care for Climate is, "Integrate climate and health into all education, care and public policy. They wrote a letter about this to Rob Jetten, the Minister of Climate and Energy, Leren voor Morgen signed it.

'Integrate climate and health into all education, healthcare and government policies', is the call made by nine young healthcare professionals in their letter. They sent it on 1 February 2022 to Rob Jetten, the Minister of Climate and Energy. Last week the initiators received support from over 75 organizations including Leren voor Morgen. The purpose of the letter is to enter into discussion with the Ministries of VWS, OCW, EZK, LNV, IenW and BZ.

The Code Red letter states that the most important task for the government is the prevention of disease and, in addition, to treat those who get sick in a sustainable way. Code Red was written because of major concerns rising among health care providers due to the lack of education about the connection between health, climate and planetary boundaries (planetary health). This lack exists not only in health and medical schools but throughout education. The letter maps out that this is especially worrisome in light of the climate crisis. Climate change causes poorer health, which in turn increases the demand on healthcare, which further deteriorates the climate. The letter explains that healthcare is responsible for large environmental burdens and a significant carbon footprint.

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