The TIP (Talent Innovation Pool) connects education with business in Rotterdam. TIP is a learning community of third-year students at the Hogeschool Rotterdam and young professionals working in the construction industry. Together they work on an issue in the field of circular and zero-emission building.
The goal of TIP is to narrow the gap between education and business through task-oriented projects and accelerate the transition in construction and education.
The initiative pairs third-year college students with young professionals working in business. This is a twenty-week program, similar to the internship period. Together they work on an issue related to sustainable building in workshops facilitated by the coordinators. As an introduction, every other week a master class is given by an expert from the business or scientific world, which is open to both students and participating companies. Every other week, company visits and excursions are organized for the students. Over 50 contacts with companies and institutions have been established, which play a role as participants, speakers, excursion locations, ecosystem partners, etcetera.
The result is important, but the program and planning are not set in stone. Developments in the projects are anticipated and adjusted where necessary. Both students and young professionals are challenged to make mistakes, because you learn much more from mistakes than from doing everything right. Ultimately, the initiative will have an effect on the way thousands of college students are educated.
The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.