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The BuildUpSkillsNL project revolves around the search for the skills needed for a clean energy transition. The goal of the project? To develop a roadmap that describes how the Netherlands can accelerate the development of this needed skill set.

The energy transition in the built environment can only succeed if we have well-trained professionals at our disposal. Only with up-to-date craftsmanship can the goals for 2030 and 2050 be achieved. BuildUpSkillsNL has been working on this challenge since 2011. The focus of BuildUpSkillsNL is on upskilling all relevant skills needed to make the energy transition possible. To accelerate the wave of innovation, BuildUpSkillsNL works on synergy between skills needed for the four transition elements: energy, materials, climate adaptation and digitalization

Project BUS-NL
On October 1, 2022, BUS-NL started; with financial support from the European Union. BUS-NL is a sister project of BuildUpSkillsNL. In this project we spend the first 8 months analyzing the status quo. This is to gain insight into how our thinking about the skills we need for the energy transition; has developed over the past decade. What has happened in recent years, which things are going well and in which areas could be better or should we accelerate? We also look ahead to required skills between 2022 and 2032, and what opportunities and challenges lie ahead. From the result 'the analysis status quo', we will work with the BUS-NL network in the second half of 2023 on a roadmap outlining how we in the Netherlands can accelerate the development of the required craftsmanship.

BUS-NL infographic

For this project, ISSO, TVVL, Learning for Tomorrow, Building Changes, The Green Brain, Duneworks and ROC KWIC have joined forces. In order to keep sufficient connection with practice, we are working together with a broad network of organizations. Together we do the following:

  • We identify skills needed to accelerate the energy transition
  • We work with stakeholders and innovation networks to identify opportunities and barriers
  • We collaborate with educators on current and innovative forms of continuing education

Want to know more?

Check out the website of BuildUpSkillsNL or get in touch!

If you participate, you can contribute to craftsmanship for the energy transition, expand your network and exchange knowledge. On the BuildUpSkillsNL website you can find more information about the ways you can participate.

Het Groene Brein





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