SPARK the movement

SPARK invites teachers, principals, janitors, teaching assistants, policy makers and administrators - in short, everyone who is in the business of making education - to help young people discover how we can find sustainable solutions in the Frisian local context.

Regional Initiative Friesland

SPARK the movement is an initiative of Circular Friesland to structurally engage education in the movement towards a circular economy and a sustainable world. Circular Friesland started in 2016 with 20 members. Meanwhile, there are more than 80. Besides companies, several governments, all MBO, HBO and WO institutions are members.

From Circular Friesland, boosters are active in several themes. Currently they are energy, water, agriculture, mobility, food, biomass, bio-plastics, procurement and education. They provide knowledge sharing and knowledge development.

Every lesson, every project, every action that contributes to a sustainable world is a Spark for us. And we value even small sparks: each contribution can fuel awareness of the importance of looking at our world differently. SPARK is committed to accelerating together. On this page you will find connecting projects, which are part of the national Sustainability Skills program, where two or more partners ignite loose sparks into a burning torch. This is how learning for sustainable development becomes the new norm!


In this project, students from vo, mbo, hbo and wo work from their regular curriculum together with Frisian builders, policy makers and farmers on the...

Latest News

This article is part of the Regioportret Friesland. With it we visualize how educational institutions, companies and governments in the region of Friesland work together on 'circular...
This article is part of the Regioportret Friesland. With it we visualize how educational institutions, companies and governments in the region of Friesland work together on 'circular...
This article is part of the Regioportret Friesland. With it we visualize how educational institutions, companies and governments in the region of Friesland work together on 'circular...


In the Sustainability Skills program, members of the Learning for Tomorrow cooperative explored how vocational education can train young people for the circular transition....
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