Flevoland Consortium

With the Flevoland Education Consortium, we aim to identify educational needs in the context of Flevoland based on the question, "What is needed in Flevoland's vocational education system to structurally train for a Circular Regional Economy?"

Flevoland Regional Initiative

The education consortium includes institutions from VO, MBO and HBO. With this consortium, we identify the questions and needs from vocational education to train for a Circular Regional Economy. The circular economy is an economic system designed to maximize the reusability of products and raw materials and thereby minimize value destruction. In addition, we identify cooperation needs between the educational institutions and their environment (Business, SMEs, Province, Municipality) as well as make the questions to the intended partners specific.

With the "Training for a CRE" project, the purpose of the meetings is to devise a pilot (practical assignment) in which to experiment with a form of cooperation between educational institutions in the region for the purpose of training for a CRE.


With the education consortium in Flevoland, we are working to structurally educate for a Circular Regional Economy. We do this by identifying needs, forming collaborations...

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