Learning for Tomorrow organizes a number of live meetings for employees of schools who are or want to work on sustainability, always at a different location, in cooperation with a school. Part of these meetings is always: a tour of the host institution, an introduction to a specific theme and intervision. The meetings are primarily intended for employees of MBO institutions, but also open to employees of other levels of education.
In this meeting, we will discuss collaboration with business, as business is an important partner to revamp your curriculum and make your classes more sustainable. But how do you do that? As a school, how do you achieve real cooperation with businesses? A collaboration that adds value for all parties, and leads to meaningful education for students? What are success factors for the success of such a collaboration? What is needed for this? Bertus Boer, lecturer in plant cultivation at Zone.College presents the cooperation he is shaping in his education with companies in the region, addressing the above questions. Vivian Siebering, sustainability project leader at Zone.College highlights these questions from the angle of the cooperation project 'the purifying greenhouse'. The presentations are interactive and provide ample room for questions and discussion.
During this meeting, we will again literally look into the kitchen of an MBO. The meeting will take place in Zone.College's greenhouse, an inspiring, green place. During this meeting there will also be room for peer review, which this time we will focus on the topic of 'working with external parties'. What do you encounter when structurally shaping partnerships for sustainability, and what can you learn from others in this?
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