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My Ideal School

What do today's students see as promising improvements? What do they want to learn to be ready for the future? What should the education of the future look like? What does students' ideal school look like?

Purpose of My Ideal School

In order to get more insight into the wishes of the youngest generations, Learning for Tomorrow started with My Ideal School in 2021. A contest in which pupils from primary and secondary schools show what their ideal school looks like. The aim of the drawing and writing contest is to collect the input of pupils and to use this input to take further steps in designing a plan for sustainable educational innovation, fitting with and attuned to the needs of the pupils themselves.

My Ideal School Lesson Inspiration

At this time, the contest is no longer running. However, you can use the contest as inspiration for your lesson. Would you like to work with your students on this competition, but are you still looking for a peg on which to hang the ideal school? In the lesson you can give attention to, for example, the Sustainable Development Goals. These Sustainable Development Goals consist of seventeen goals to make the world a better place in 2030. The SDGs were agreed upon by the countries affiliated with the United Nations, including the Netherlands. The goals were developed on the basis of global input from organizations and individuals. They are a global compass for challenges such as poverty, education and the climate crisis. Together they form a broad picture of the concept of sustainability.

Want inspiration for such a lesson? Then take a look at Seventeen goals you share or read more about the SDG's.

Check out the tutorial here for even more inspiration!

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Inspiration and news from the Ideal School can be found here!



Knowledge from the Ideal School can be found here!

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