Professional leadership (led by Arda Oosterhoff)
- What is it, why is it important especially now with an eye on the 21st century, and how do you develop it?
To explore these questions with you, SPARK is hosting 5 meetings in collaboration with the lectorate Pedagogy for Sustainable & Democratic Training from NHL Stenden.
It is possible to attend the entire series as well as one or more individual sessions. Each session includes a simple meal. Interested? Sign up soon!*
*The meetings are free for education makers from Firda, NHL Stenden, Aeres, Campus Fryslân and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. Are you from another school? Then we ask for a voluntary contribution, to be paid during the meeting.
**Have you signed up but are unexpectedly unable to attend? Please let us know a day in advance, so we can adjust the catering accordingly and not contribute further to wasting food 🙂 **.
Sign up!More about the moderators
Arda Oosterhoff is affiliated with NHL Stenden's pedagogy lecture circle and does post-doctoral research on professional leadership from the perspective that there are always touch points that teachers, team leaders and principals can influence to bring about change. During the sessions, we will explore how 'things' (systems, objects, technologies, structures, rules, etc.) influence our educational practice and ability to act. We take inspiration from the ideas of Bruno Latour. You will have the opportunity to contribute your own case study.
Elke Van Dermijnsbrugge is affiliated with NHL Stenden's pedagogy lecture circle, while working as a teacher-researcher at International Teacher Education in Meppel. She focuses on alternative research methods in education. She is interested in the application of utopian and speculative thinking, and in anarchist organizational philosophy to rethink educational policy, research and practice. During her session we will apply an imaginative strategy for thinking and action, called "utopia as method," to a theme/challenge/idea of your choice. We will examine its history, reflect on your (school) values and principles, and rethink how the school can put alternatives into action in the here and now.
Jose Middendorp as Lecturer in Pedagogy for Sustainable and Democratic Education, takes us on an inner journey by discussing with the participants a case study around the theme "a hopeful future. What are your positive or hindering experiences in creating education that focuses on a hopeful future? Using a mirror letter, place the experience in a new lived context.