The transition to a circular economy has far-reaching consequences for the world of work: jobs are created, disappear and (above all) change in nature and content. To cope with the transition and additional issues, the region needs sufficient and the right talent. But the transition is unpredictable and uncertain. So how do you, as a province, municipality or development company, ensure that the necessary talent is available at the right time and in the right place?
Exploratory interviews with policy makers, regional administrators and other professionals concerned with issues such as Human Capital agendas, labor market and training, learning and knowledge development in the circular transition show that many of them are searching for their role in this challenge. The desire for more collaboration between regions was clearly expressed in this regard.
Supra-regional cooperation
The impact of the circular transition on the labor market and education varies by region, depending on dominant industries, demographics, and regional labor market trends, among other factors. But the challenges facing regional policymakers, administrators and professionals tend to be similar: How do you encourage the development of circular skills among professionals and students? How do you connect education and business to work together on this issue? How do you ensure that you as a region are ready for the future?
Exchange on these topics is considered of added value, provided that this exchange contributes concretely to talent development appropriate to the needs arising in the circular transition in one's own region. Therefore, it is proposed to form a community of practice (CoP) with professionals working on the circular transition and talent at provinces, metropolitan municipalities and regional development agencies.
In a CoP, learning and development go hand in hand: participants actively work on related issues in their own practice and meet periodically to develop new perspective, gain knowledge and/or find backing. The alternation between learning together and developing and reflecting on one's own work make for a powerful collaboration.
In concrete terms, the Learning for Tomorrow cooperative organizes a number of meetings in consultation with the participants during which participants sharpen their vision; research their issue and environment; design interventions and instruments; and jointly reflect on their experiences. In the meantime, participants are expected to investigate their practice and test their assumptions with relevant stakeholders; activate and involve their colleagues and other relevant stakeholders; experiment with prototypes (interventions or instruments) they develop; and collect experiences to reflect on.
The CoP will start in spring 2022 and continue until the end of the year. The meetings - the program and the moments - will be planned in consultation. Policy makers, employees and other professionals from the province, a metropolitan municipality or a regional development company who (want to) work on the issue of 'talent for the circular transition' are welcome to participate. Note: participation does require commitment, in order to complete the course in its entirety. Unfortunately it is not possible to join the program in the meantime.
There is room for about 25-30 participants. Together they bear the costs of the course: €750 per participant with 15 participants or €500 per participant starting from a total of 20 participants.
Sign up or more information at