The annual meeting moment for colleagues from elementary school, Pabos and educational partners - such as Nature and Environmental Education Centers - is coming up again. This time we are guests of the Marnix Academy in Utrecht.
From an early age, children come into contact with what is happening in the world - sometimes near and far. Think for example of the livability of the neighborhood, poverty or climate change. How do you pay attention to this in education from a hopeful perspective, and how do you teach children to be actively enterprising?
Keynote speaker is Stella van der Wal-Maris, lecturer in Education & Social Entrepreneurship. Teaching social entrepreneurship is a way to shape learning for sustainable development. Children who learn social entrepreneurship come into contact with the real world and sustainable development issues. They learn how, as small as they are, they can develop ideas and initiatives that contribute to a more just, peaceful and sustainable world. It gives children perspective and empowers them.
Also, during this conference we will build on the outcomes of the working conference for school leaders, on November 27, where we will zoom in further on the question: how can we embed learning for sustainable development in educational practice?
13.15 Walk-in with coffee, tea and a sandwich
14.00 Welcome by André de Hamer (Sustainable Pabo) and Willeke Smit (teacher)
14.05 Opening by Astrid Venes, chairman of the board, Marnix Academy
14.10 ACTION - keynote (1) by Stella van der Wal-Maris, lecturer at Marnix Academy
Children learn to actively and entrepreneurially contribute to sustainable development.
14.40 HOOP - keynote (2) by Elise Peters, senior researcher Nature and Child Development at Leiden University of Applied Sciences
Practical theory showing how we can be solid adults for children growing up in a warming climate.
15.00 Workshops:
- Hands on! Tools for learning social entrepreneurship led by Marijke van Voorthuijsen, Eva Kuijpers, Stella van der Wal-Maris of the Marnix Academy
- Climate change in the classroom: lesson ideas, experiments, resources and animations led by children's book author Marc ter Horst
- Visit to city farm Griftsteede led by Selma Renting of NME center Utrecht Natuurlijk
- Introduction to the minor Education Outside, the earth is your classroom, led by Loes van t Hoff of the Lectorate Nature and Child Development at Hogeschool Leiden and Thomas More Hogeschool.
- Investigative learning in the school garden led by colleagues from the Alliance School Gardens
- Developing citizenship competencies through sustainability issues , led by Peter Bom and Lisa Klaver of the Academy of Pedagogy and Education, Saxion
- Embedding sustainability in educational practice, using sustainability competencies, led by André de Hamer
4:30 Discussion Café, with two topics:
1. Climate stress vs pink cloud. Social current events can evoke strong emotions in students. How do you deal with this as a teacher or educator?
2. Embedding Learning for Sustainable Development (LvDO) in educational practice and the school plan. How do we create structural space for LvDO, without cramming yet another extra step into an overloaded curriculum?
17.10 HOPE, ACTION AND HUMOR - plenary closing led by children's book author Marc ter Horst
5:30 Festive Closing & Drinks
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See you on Jan. 31!