Growing up and parenting in the 21e century makes a special appeal to teachers. It is important to discuss how you look at it as an individual and how you can mirror and reinforce each other as a team. These complex times, in which changes follow each other faster and faster, also require didactic forms that stimulate and retain the curiosity and motivation of young people. How do you organize that as a school?
Pedagogy is about one's own attitude as a teacher, about attention, about living for, about connecting. In light of sustainability issues, it is also about how to approach pupils and students in an open and curious way.
By didactics we mean the way you teach. Which teaching methods do you use and how do you create a learning environment in which students can explore what they find important and practice taking action for a sustainable world?
The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.