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What do we learn?

Sustainability issues are complex and interrelated. This requires an integrated approach, and to look for solutions from different perspectives. Therefore, it is important that learning for sustainable development is reflected throughout the curriculum.

This starts with the question: what do we want the content of education to look like, based on our vision? What knowledge and skills do we consider important in this regard? But also: what do young people themselves want to learn about this? What is meaningful for them and how do the knowledge and skills fit in with their world of experience? When this is clear, we can build a curriculum in which learning for sustainable development is integrated.

Questions to discuss with each other

  • What sustainability themes do we consider important and are already structurally addressed in our teaching?
  • What do young people want to learn about sustainability?
  • How can we promote collaboration between different subjects?
  • How do we ensure that we always connect with young people's experiences and current events?
  • What questions from the school's operations can we connect to the curriculum?


  • SDGs
  • Interdisciplinary and coherence
  • Collaboration with external stakeholders
  • Meaningful
  • Flexible and up to date

Inspiring projects

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Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen and Dyade are organizing the first ever Sustainable School Leader Election in 2024 to put sustainable school leaders in the spotlight and...
In this project, we investigate what the shift from linear to circular construction means for the industry and related training.
Many of your students who will soon be working in construction and installation companies will later have to deal with circular work. With the inspiration document what in this project...
In this project, we developed an education manual with portraits and real-life stories of teachers from all levels of vocational education who inspire because they are building circular...
In the Community of Practice, (Associate) professors, practitioners, teacher researchers and teachers (MBO and HBO) will work together on hybrid learning environments.
In this project, we give young people a voice about circular education in the Netherlands. This way we prevent a mismatch between education and the labor market....
In this project, a circular skills program was developed around sustainable fashion and textiles for students of the ROC van Amsterdam's fashion school.
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