ROC Noorderpoort
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Good Practice
SDG House Groningen
On September 24, 2021, the national SDG Action Day, Noorderpoort opened an SDG House in The Castle. This makes Noorderpoort the first ROC to facilitate an SDG House from within the mbo.
An SDG House is a permanent place where education, entrepreneurs and residents work together on the Sustainable Development Goals.
The SDG House Groningen has the ambition to play a driving and facilitating role towards governments, business and education. The emphasis is on student development. With projects and events by, for and by students of all different levels, the SDG House seeks collaboration with the professional field.
The SDG House Groningen is part of the national network of SDG Houses, all part of the community of SDG Netherlands. This community aims to accelerate the integration of the seventeen United Nations Sustainability Goals into society through the provision of information, project support and the encouragement of new commitments and partnerships. These goals were created to ensure the world is a more sustainable place in the broadest sense by 2030. This means not only taking concrete steps to combat climate issues, but also taking action in combating inequality and improving education.
Noorderpoort wants to make an active contribution to achieving sustainability goals. Increasingly, therefore, the SDGs have a place at Noorderpoort. In educational practice, teachers experience the SDGs as a useful tool for teaching and communicating about sustainability with their students. Therefore, Noorderpoort has developed an internal course for teachers, in which teachers are helped to give the SDGs a natural place in their teaching practice. Not only are the teachers at Noorderpoort trained with this, but meanwhile Alfa-College has also embraced our course. By actively sharing knowledge and working together on projects, we contribute to partnerships for a sustainable(er) world.
In addition, it also requires a role model in business operations. For example, in the procurement of services and products. Here too, steps are being taken toward a sustainable future and Noorderpoort is working on the Manifesto for Responsible Procurement and Purchasing in order to make a difference with the right partners.
The arrival of the SDG House at Noorderpoort is another great step forward and contributes to the partnerships for achieving the world goals. With this, we are working from education, with partners such as: PO and VO (Openbaar Onderwijs Groningen, Terra and the Ubbo Emmius), MBO (Alfa-college and Terra MBO), HBO (Hanzehogeschool and NHL Stenden) and WO (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), with local entrepreneurs and municipalities to transfer knowledge by DOING. We work on projects within the SDG enclaves (these are extracurricular locations such as at the Suikerterrein, in the Makeport Mercurius and at the Grain Republic) on real projects and social assignments.
This good practice was awarded 1st place at the mbo symposium ' Sustainable Thinking & Doing' for SDG 17!
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