Together, we face major sustainable challenges. Consider, for example, the challenges in the areas of energy, climate, health and poverty. In tomorrow's society, sustainability is the new normal. It is therefore important that today's pupils and students already learn about this. The Day of Sustainability gives an annual boost to this. This day is for all pupils, students, teachers, parents, sustainability professionals and administrators who care that today's education is ready for tomorrow's world.
Urgenda organized Sustainability Day for ten years. In 2018, every day was declared Sustainability Day. Because there are still gains to be made in education, the cooperative Learning for Tomorrow took over from Urgenda by organizing the Day of Sustainability for education.
Every school can participate! There are many different things you can do on Sustainability Day. You can use the day as an opportunity to come up with your own activity to draw attention to sustainability. For example, visiting a sustainable company, or starting a project around a theme such as waste or energy.
Inspiration for sustainable teaching materials can be found at WikiWise.
You can also join activities specially organized as part of Sustainability Day. For example SDG guest lectures and the national read-aloud campaign with the children's book week theme Gi-ga-green.
Check the website of the Day of Sustainability or contact us at
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The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.