Teachers community

Sustainable Secondary Education

Teachers are the pivot of our education. Learning for Tomorrow wants to support and facilitate them in their shared learning needs. Therefore, in addition to the networks we have per educational layer, in collaboration with Teachers for Climate, we also have a network especially for teachers: the teachers community.

Learning for Tomorrow is for everyone who is committed to learning for sustainable development. We have special communities for teachers. The focus of the teachers' community is sharing knowledge and inspiration about Learning for Sustainable Development and thus supporting and inspiring each other.

We are currently building the education communities. We are starting with a community for teachers in po and vo. Within the teachers' community for secondary education, we will also have a focus group for teachers working in VMBO and practical education. In this way we want to give sufficient attention to the various forms of education and needs within the various target groups in secondary education. Teachers in mbo are supported within the education network MBO voor Morgen.

If you sign up for the teacher community

  • You will regularly receive a digital update with inspiration, events and new developments that are interesting for teachers.
  • You are very welcome at the activities and meetings that Leren voor Morgen organizes especially for teachers.
  • in the community you will come into contact with like-minded colleagues and be able to question and inspire each other.

Sign up

The teacher community is in a start-up phase - newsletter sign-up to follow. For more information, please contact us below.

Inspiring projects

A series of meetings on key developments on sustainability in education were held in November. Those meetings returned...
The SDG introductory classes for PO, VO/MBO, or HBO
Every year Learning for Tomorrow organizes the Sustainable Teacher Election. Many teachers work daily at school to instill...
On this day, all over the Netherlands, extra attention is drawn to sustainability in education!


See below for agenda items of interest to teachers, or organized from this teacher network.
Wed May 1, 2024, 13:30 U - 17:30 U
Wageningen University

Sign up

Send an email to peter@lerenvoormorgen.org To keep abreast of this project.

Engaged members

Teachers for Climate
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