contact details
educational layer
active in WSA
Who we are
What we do
We do this by giving people knowledge (objective and factual) and context on a global scale (Think Big) and showing what they can do as individuals to improve it (Act Now). We are curious, complete, scientific and understandable. We are open to collaborations. Together, you make more impact!
We provide insight into:
What we offer
We provide lectures, workshops, training and consulting to schools, businesses and organizations.
We create relevant teaching materials, positive in tone, in which we show/discover how things can be done differently and the benefits of effective sustainability in collaboration with the school and their environment (based on the books "The Hidden Impact" and "the Happy 2050 scenario" by Babette Porcelijn). The current lessons are for PO, but we want more!
Expertise in SDG
The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.