contact details
Leidsevaart 2 (entrance Rijnsburgerweg 4)
2215 RE Voorhout
educational layer
active in WSA
Who we are
What we do
Aloysius will work on 'sustainability' in the coming years. We are already doing a lot in this area, but are looking to broaden and deepen. For example, a number of schools are conducting pilots to renew their education with 'sustainability' as the driving force. The Whole School Approach is the starting point for this. In addition, employees offer inspiration through webinars and a 'Green Team' explores what else we can do together with students, parents and network partners to prepare children and young people optimally and sustainably for a meaningful existence.
What we offer
We offer over 3,500 students strong education for a meaningful future. We do this with over 900 employees who put our core values of strength, unconditionality and passion into practice. We have 49 locations in the Netherlands, are active in 24 municipalities and our students come from 65 collaborative organizations for appropriate education.
Expertise in SDG
The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen unites various parties that are committed to sustainability in education. The Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen receives financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality under the programme DuurzaamDoor.