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Sail for the Future

Context-rich sustainable education: Sail for the Future

Students from MBO College Lelystad, MBO College Airport, HvA, University of Delft, Windesheim and Aeres Hogeschool Dronten worked for a week on various sustainability issues of KLM Cityhopper. They did this on a sailing boat under the guidance of the Sail for the Future Foundation and two young professionals from KLM Cityhopper. After three days of sailing, the final event of 'Sail for the Future 2023' took place at the EYE Film Museum in Amsterdam on Thursday, April 20. Here the twenty students presented their creative solutions!

Aviation enthusiasts, climate scientists, techies and communications specialists. We had them all on board. In this multidisciplinary composition, discussions were burning about the added value of flying versus the climate damage. About sustainability and aviation, a complex social debate. Knowledge was gathered, facts were sorted out, critical questions were asked, judgments postponed, discussions held ... to finally come out of it together. With creativity, knowledge and imagination, the students came up with eloquent pitches for KLM Cityhopper.

The sustainability issues the students worked on:

- How do we get consumers on board with the aviation sustainability story?

- How do we also get all our partners on board with the sustainability story?

Getting started on the issues
After an introduction on how climate change works and what it actually means, a representation of what the ideal world of the future looks like for the participants was made. Knowledge was gathered, facts were sorted out, critical questions were asked and discussions were held to finally come up with solutions together. These ideas were presented at the EYE Film Museum.

Sustainability Solutions
One of the ideas to get consumers on board with the sustainability story of aviation was the "Book Aware" campaign. During the booking of a ticket you are informed in a creative, accessible way about the impact of flying and what to do about it. Those who choose sustainably receive a personal thank-you from KLM Cityhopper. And to get the partners on board, a dashboard has been devised in which the partners' sustainability data is tracked in a clear and transparent way. This allows the partners to learn from each other and KLM Cityhopper to see who the most sustainable partners are.

Closing event
At the EYE Film Museum, the students presented their ideas. And what a great turnout we had there. We welcomed employees and the management of KLM Cityhopper. Representation from MBO College Lelystad, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Delft, MBO College Airport, Windesheim, Aeres Hogeschool Dronten and the Green Office of the ROC of Amsterdam, parents, friends and other supporters.

KLM Cityhopper is impressed by the creativity and applicability of the ideas and motivated to put them into practice.

Our colleagues in education are proud of what their students have achieved. And are inspired to use the principle of challenge-based learning themselves.

With new friendships, newly gained knowledge about aviation, sustainability AND sailing, the students walked off the boat. What a challenging yet inspiring days this group has had!

The CRE Practorate, in collaboration with the Sail for the Future Foundation, is initiating context-rich sustainability education through challenge-based learning in this way. We are experimenting with collaborating between different education types and trying to contribute to their equality. We are also delivering a life experience to an amazing group of people who will hopefully continue to be inspired to make positive impact. Want more information or interested in participating? Please contact directly Sail for the Future Foundation or colleagues from the Practicum CRE.

SustainaBul MBO
Does your MBO school want to work integrally on sustainability? At the SustainaBul MBO we will discuss what we encounter in the process of sustainability in MBO and stimulate, inspire and support each other. More information can be found at

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