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Tue March 25, 2025, 3:30 PM - 17:30 U

Workshop: Learning in a living system


Het duurzame gedrag van de toekomst is al in potentie in elk jongere aanwezig. Maar hoe zorgen we voor een veilige en rijke omgeving waarin jongere hun potentieel kunnen ontwikkelen? Leer met Guus Geisen en de Young Warriors mee in deze workshop “Leren in een levend systeem: vijf architecturen voor de school van de toekomst”.

The Young Warriors have been working since 2018 to fight child poverty in the Netherlands and Nepal, They work with students from Hungary on personal mastery and opportunity development. They share their stories and let participants experience the essence of Personal Mastery.

This workshop gives substance to looking at, thinking about and acting differently about learning in school and life. The government wants higher results in basic skills. Life demands learning to cope with rapidly changing circumstances, stress and feelings of depression. How do we connect the two perspectives?

The Young Warriors provide an example of what they have researched and learned in the area of personal mastery, explaining the tools they use to do so and how it leads to self-reflection. A top example of what young people can and already are doing.

Vear who: teachers/teachers and managers in (special) primary and secondary education and mbo who are looking for action perspectives in sustainable education
When: March 25
Time: 15.30-17.30
Location: Dr. Moller College in Waalwijk


Each participant will receive a copy of the book "Learning in a Living System, Five Architectures for the School of the Future" at the end of the workshop.

What else will you take away when you participate in this workshop?

  • the experience of involving young people more in complex issues and tools on how to do so;
  • The need to learn to perceive, think and act differently in a changing environment;
  • the understanding that it starts with creating space in head, heart and hands;
  • the skill to be able to work with some tools the next day;
  • Understanding the importance of a cohesive system and realizing which system you want to be a part of.

About Guus Geisen

Guus Geisen specializes in innovation and organizational development from a learning and living perspective. He works with young people on complex issues and inspires adults to learn with and from young people.


Tue March 25, 2025, 3:30 PM - 17:30 U


Dr. Moller College in Waalwijk

Olympiaweg 8b

5143 NA Waalwijk


Dr. Moller College

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