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Fri December 9, 2022, 10:00 U - 17:00 hrs

Symposium Sustainable Thinking & Doing

Schermafbeelding 2022-11-17 om 16.08.54

Unfortunately, the symposium for 2022 is completely full. Would you like to be kept up to date on all developments in MBO education and attend the 2023 symposium? Join the mbo network! 

Imagine: all graduates of secondary vocational education (MBO) work with pleasure and expertise on the energy transition, a circular and humane economy, and an inclusive, social society. What does education look like then, and how do we get there? Do you want to learn from others who are taking steps to embed sustainability in the MBO? What do you have to share? And who can call themselves the most sustainable mbo of the Netherlands this year? Come for inspiration, meeting, exchange and connection to Symposium Duurzaam Denken & Doen on sustainability in mbo with the presentation of the SustainaBul MBO 2022. Sign up below!

When: December 9, 2022, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (walk-in from 9:30 a.m.)

Where: MBO College Lelystad, Agorawagenplein 1, Lelystad.

For whom: Program managers, teachers, CvB members, principals, sustainability coordinators, operations coordinators and others who want to work on sustainability in the MBO.



9:30 a.m: Walk-in & reception with the 'Where-are-you-proud-of gallery' (take an a-4 with your beautiful example and find each other)

10 a.m.: Plenary start with Lucas de Man & Giuseppe van der Helm (director Learning for Tomorrow) 

10:30 a.m.: Reception and DOING! you get to know other participants during a do-activity centered on sustainability in mbo, for example with a game, an experiment, a piece of theater, or a short training session.

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The Future Lab Game - Who am I? What can I do? What do I want (Pauline Maring, Nexxdott).
Playfully discover what interests you by learning about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Formulate your own Future Question and start looking for answers. Then you have already started shaping your future. In a playful 25-minute session, guided by Pauline Maring of Nexxdott, you will be introduced to the possibilities of the Future Lab Game for your school.

Warming Up an interactive theme day on global warming (Cor Burger and Robbert Koekoek, theater group Styrofoam)
Today you will get an interactive pitch in 20 minutes. We open with (part of) the musical performance "Outside the Lines. This energetic performance addresses the theme in a lighthearted way. We then go into the active and in-depth workshops the young people will take. We conclude with a hilarious climate quiz and then there is also room for questions!

Sustainability in the classroom, learning through play (Denise Brilman, ROC van Twente)
During the activity, you will be introduced to the Footprint game. The game is made to experience sustainability and your ecological impact. During the game you have to gather the resources together to produce products, without producing too many toxins or plastic. The game can be played during a citizenship, social studies or mentoring lesson and can be extended with a slide presentation on sustainable alternatives, ecological footprint and recycling. Learn about sustainability in an approachable way.

The energy transition, explained and challenged! (Albert Paardekam and Marijn van Vliet, "The energy transition masterclass," Darel Education)
Energy transition is a new subject at MBO that, due to its many facets, does not yet have a clear place within the curriculum. Do you, as a teacher, find it difficult to give students a good overview of the consequences of climate change or the opportunities that the energy transition offers for MBO students? Darel Education offers for MBO an all-day Energy Transition Masterclass. You will get an insight into this super relevant and interactive teaching day for MBO. Join us and get inspired. 

Circularity in Education (Daniella Mazzini, education expert, ISSO and Sybren Steensma, Building Challenges )Note: activity is in ENGLISH
In this do-activity we are going to discover together how to implement circularity in the educational curriculum. We do this through individual and collective brainstorming sessions. At the end of this workshop you will have insight into the themes surrounding circularity. You will also know how to put this into practice.

From "Yes but," to "Of course!" (Eric Soer, experience expert Learning for Sustainable Development, Bureau Erkenningen/Groenkeur)
Would you like to experience out-of-the-box thinking in a light, breezy way? Then join this sweatshop to break down blockages (in thinking) that get in the way of a WSA (in doing). Rest assured, you decide how active you are, but if you really want to let loose: make sure to bring airy clothes (layers) and a bottle of water.

Connect (Edo Sutherland, ROC of Amsterdam) 
During this activity, you let yourself be known. What mission, mindset and request for help do you have?
We quickly build a mini-network on content and personal connection.

11:30 a.m.: Perspective - by Giuseppe van der Helm (chairman of the day) and Bijar Altalabani (director MBO College Lelystad/ROC of Amsterdam and Flevoland)

11:45 a.m.: Interactive panel discussion on college and the region. How do you really learn about sustainability together? Lucas the Man In conversation with Ingrid Zeegers, Heleentje Swart, Maurijn Odé and the audience.

12:30 p.m.: Lunch and Music 

1:15 p.m.: Workshops: MBOs working on sustainability take you through their work - what will you learn from them and the other participants?

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Playing with sustainable citizenship (Alinda Kiel and Menno Wierdsma, Friesland College)
What is sustainable citizenship and how do we connect citizenship education to the SDGs and professional practice? After a short explanation and some examples of how we do it at Friesland College, we will discuss sustainable citizenship education and how to link it to the SDGs in a playful way. You will gain inspiration and ideas for your own education in this workshop. In addition, the form of discussion we use will also provide you with a working form that you can use with students.

The power of the student: Green Office in the MBO (Maroeska Wijsbeek, Annika Morrice, Maya Sanz-Cagigas Jansma, Milo Rademaker, Chanel Mando, Ylsa Bottelier and Giolina Kolff, ROC van Amsterdam)
During this interactive workshop, you will learn from the Green Office interns what the added value of the Green Office in the MBO is. Why is the student voice so important? How do you help students and staff think about social and ecological issues? Learn what our formula for success is and think with us about themes and topics that resonate at your school.

Climate psychology and climate communication (Tessa Kramer, Mediacollege Amsterdam)
Participants will receive a brief introduction to the psychology of behavior change, specifically applied to the climate crisis. Which phases do you go through in a behavioral change? What are the different climate types and how do you tailor your message to your target group, to the phase in their process and to each climate type? The better the alignment, the greater your impact. And what conversation techniques do you use for a good climate conversation, where you stay connected? A workshop full of facts, new insights, humor and, of course, action perspectives. We will work together, so it is an interactive workshop, where we mainly DO!

The school as a textbook example (Rob de Vrind, founder Sustainable MBO and sustainability coordinator Koning Willem I College)
How can the school show that what you teach is put into practice. How can you work with students to make your school building more sustainable so that as part of their studies you move together toward a more sustainable school environment? Rob de Vrind will show a number of practical examples during this workshop, and you will exchange with participants what they are already doing, what they are up against and how to solve it. You are guaranteed to go home with new ideas.

Challenge based learning within a Public Private partnership - the answer to the transitions ahead? (Maurijn Ode, Practor Circular Regional Economy and Ingrid Zeegers, PRICE)
Education has been behind the times for years. Especially in the field of technology. The circular transition with all its challenges offers a huge opportunity for HBO and MBO to work together on issues from SMEs. A Basecamp together with fieldlabs where students work peer to peer on challenge based challenges in the field of sustainability helps the region towards 2050! Learn during this session how to use a Toolbox and in cooperation with an organization such as PRICE. For teachers, MT and policy makers!

Getting started with lifelong learning (Petra Kuiper, practor Food, Health & Technology, Lentiz and Food Innovation Academy and Erwin Niedeveld, transition expert and educational innovator, DOON Cooperative)
We take participants through the guiding principles that make lifelong learning successful. We use examples from the Food Innovation Academy. In a creative workshop the participants explore the obstacles they experience in their own practice to get started with lifelike learning. Together we explore what it takes to make learning authentic and meaningful. We also introduce a national Professional Learning Community of frontrunners who exchange experiences together to improve and innovate their learning.

Making an impact: from thinking to doing (Yuverta College)
Setting ambitious goals, making long-term plans ... All important to make strides toward a sustainable educational institution. But how do you make the step from thinking to doing? What do you need to actually make an impact and how do you make sure you keep track of what you are doing? And whether what you are doing is contributing to those long-term goals? In this workshop we take you through the process we went through at Yuverta to get from impact via outcome and output to activities.

Together we will dive into the world of impact-oriented work and you will work on translating your own impact goals/the impact goals of your organization into outcomes, outputs and activities.

Learning for sustainable development, inquiry-based learning based on authentic questionstukken (Stan Frijters, Aeres Hogeschool Wageningen and Esther Wouters, Green Educational Alliance)
Learning for Sustainable Development is by now a familiar concept to many teachers and school leaders. But implementation has considerable challenges in everyday practice. What does an issue actually have to satisfy to provide a good basis for Learning for Sustainable Development. And perhaps most importantly: how do you come up with such an issue? Existing materials and manuals help to make a start. In this workshop we will work in a practical way to find and formulate an issue that fits the design criteria for Learning for Sustainable Development.  

2:30 p.m.: PAUSE 

2:45 p.m.: Debate with students on sustainability in education by Gerbert Kunst, director of international policy and Floor Maaskant of the Ministry of OC&W

3:o0 p.m.: Interview With BoD members of the top 5 most sustainable MBO schools & SustainaBulMBO award ceremony with Gerbert Kunst, Director of International Policy and Floor Maaskant of Ministry of OC&W and Sandra Pellegrom, National Coordinator Sustainable Development Goals

4:15 - 5 p.m.: Meet, greet & drinks


Fri December 9, 2022, 10:00 U - 17:00 hrs


MBO College Lelystad


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