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Fri November 29, 2024, 10:00 U - 17:00 hrs

MBO Symposium Sustainable Thinking & Doing 2024

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The MBO Symposium Sustainable Thinking & Doing 2024 will take place on Friday, November 29 at Albeda in Rotterdam. This symposium promises to be an inspiring day filled with knowledge, experiences and fresh insights about sustainability in mbo education.  

During the symposium, participants can prepare for an interactive and informative program. The inspired practitioners Maurijn Ode (Circular Regional Economy, ROC van Flevoland) and Menno Wierdsma (Sustainable Thinking Sustainable Doing, Firda) will give an introduction about their vision on the transition to sustainable education.  

The morning of the symposium is dedicated to engaging workshops, where participants work collectively on the Whole School Approach. This integrated approach aims to firmly embed sustainability in education. In the afternoon, during interactive discussion tables, participants can unleash their creativity and discuss current topics and exchange ideas with like-minded colleagues and experts.  

The highlight of the day will be the festive presentation of the SustainaBul MBO 2024. It will be announced which MBO institution scores best in the field of sustainability this year. The success stories of this institution will serve as inspiration for those present.  

The symposium offers administrators, school leaders, teachers and sustainability coordinators an opportunity to strengthen their network and make a valuable contribution to a sustainable future. Participation in the symposium is free. 

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9:30 Walk-in 

10:00 Welcome by Albeda & Learning for Tomorrow

10:15 Keynote: 'The transition to sustainable education is quite possible, but is also difficult and scary'
- Practor Maurijn Odé (Circular Regional Economy, ROC van Flevoland)
- Practor Menno Wierdsma (Sustainable Thinking Sustainable Doing, Firda)

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The transition to a sustainable world and circular economy means for the MBO that students are given room to explore and learn to work with the materials, products and services that are developed in the process. This requires education in which we do not tell or show students what they must know and be able to do, but in which teachers, together with students and colleagues, explore in practice what new materials, products and services can mean for a sector. There are now plenty of projects that show that this is quite possible, see for example the many initiatives in public-private partnerships and the experiences of Albeda College, last year's Sustainabul winners

However, with all these experiences under our belt, it is now important that we look beyond individual projects and reinforce sustainable thinking and practice in all our MBO education. As practitioners, we notice that this is still difficult for many of us and our institutions. Transition requires not only doing things differently, but also leaving things behind. That hurts and is difficult for all of us; after all, we are not only asking teachers and students to let go of some habits, beliefs and values, but we are asking that of everyone in our organizations and beyond. In a two-way conversation, Maurijn and Menno reflect on the difficulties they face in this educational transition and in what direction they are thinking for possible solutions.

11:00 Morning workshops: working on the Whole School Approach

  • Module of the Future
    By Yorrit Luijckx (project manager Duursustainable Albeda, forheand teacher of citizenship and sustainability), Marleen Boersen (MasterPeace) and students
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    The Module of the Future is an innovative 10-week curriculum developed by Albeda in collaboration with Masterpeace. This module integrates sustainability structurally into the curriculum and as a basic education for first-year students. The goal is to prepare students for an economy and society of permanent change.
    At the center are multidisciplinary collaboration, talent discovery, and new economic thinking, with a strong focus on innovation and inspiration. Students learn from forerunners and are challenged to think with organizations that are still searching for their transition.
    During this meeting we will take a closer look at the module to further improve it. Yorrit Luijckx leads us through the module and invites us to an interactive session where we exchange ideas and experiences.
    This conversation offers a double benefit: inspiration and insights from the module, combined with your valuable knowledge and experience to make the module even more powerful.
  • Follow-up session Quartermaster track & sustainability in mbo
    By quartermaster Hans Lodders in collaboration with the MBO Council and the Interdepartmental Sustainable School Working Group. 
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    This workshop is for invited guests only. A separate invitation will be sent for this.
  • With SustainaBul MBO getting started with sustainability
    By Sylvie Bleiswijk (sustainability ambassador Hospitality, ROC Mondriaan) and Gaaike Euwema (just retired from ROC Northport, Former advisor program 'Noorderpoort Sustainable')
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    Sylvie van Bleiswijk and Gaaike Euwema question each other about their experiences. Sylvie started not so long ago to put sustainability on the map at Mondriaan. Gaaike recently passed the baton to his successor after six years of cheerful forward plodding.
    Workshop participants are asked to formulate in advance a question about what opportunities or problems they see in picking up, developing and securing sustainability (education and business) in their organization. They are invited to bring in their question at the moment it is opportune in the conversation between Sylvie and Gaaike. Or to steer the conversation in a different direction if their question is not addressed.
    Sylvie and Gaaike are happy and satisfied when the participants (including themselves) leave the workshop with useful answers. Or with new interesting questions, of course. Probably both
  • Sustainable impact with your BPV
    By Marlies de Groot (advisor Education & Examinations, Koning Willem I College), Elly Wildeman (practor Conscious Education, Koning Willem I College) and Joost Blanken (teacher of Sustainability in the Profession & CRE project officer at Circular Regional Economy, MBO College Lelystad)
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    Learning for sustainable development can be done in any business! The point is that students learn to use their ability to start seeing the world differently than they have been used to until now. By asking questions of the other, listening and empathizing with the other, thinking critically about what is right from different perspectives, responsible considerations can be made. How can you encourage this development from school for assignments in BPV? Let's explore together what is already there and what is still needed to achieve this.
  • 'Everyone on board' How to get the peloton on board after the leading group?
    By Michiel Kostermans (sustainability quartermaster, Alfa-colempty) en Isabelle van Eijk (sustainability coordinator, Yuverta)
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    Recognize this: a number of forerunners are working their asses off around sustainability but the ripple effect to the rest of the organization is lacking. So what are formal and informal interventions you can apply? This is how we work aan on the basis of 2 cases from. You will go home with practical tools and some self-insight.

12:15 Lunch

13:15 Conversation tables

  • How do you make space?
    By Menno Wierdsma (practor Dhourzaam Denken Sustainable Doing, Firda) and Richard Voss (teacher researcher, Firda)
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    Sustainable tasks often lead to the development of new materials, products and services. In order to learn to work with these materials, MBO students need room to experiment with them. To make that possible, education professionals (teachers, workplace supervisors, subject experts, etc.) in turn need room to experiment (mess around) with forms of education that can offer students the necessary space. Right now, many education professionals in secondary school do not yet experience that space, which leads us to the following questions:
    1) What space do education professionals (need) to shape education for sustainable development? 
    2) How to create this professional space (in one's own organization with each other)?
    These stimulating questions will be the focus of our discussion table. There we will gladly search with you for possible answers and inspiration, based on your own experiences developed association cards for this purpose.
  • How do you make sustainability everyone's business?
    By Baukje Pander (opleading manager of Retail, Economics, Trade and Media Design, DC Terra) and Marjan Nijenbanning (MEd, practor Entrepreneurial learning with and from the sdg's in mbo, DC Terra).
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    Do you want to take sustainability to the next level in your mbo institution? Then come to our interactive discussion table and discover how to make sustainability everyone's business! We will work with stimulating statements, creative methods and practical tools to increase support, even from skeptics. Be inspired by other people's success stories and share your own challenges at our Complaint Wall/Success Wall. Together we will build concrete solutions that you can start using right away. Join us and make a difference!
  • Tips for structural cooperation between education and business
    By Daan de Kruijf (Sustainability Skills program leader, Learning for Tomorrow) and Guido Bastiaans (Flevoland regional cooperation project leader, Lhonoring for Tomorrow)
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    During this interactive session, you and the workshop participants will explore what images exist on structural collaboration. Then we identify which elements contribute to a structural collaboration with the business community. At the end of the workshop you will leave with several tips to take to your daily practice.
  • Sustainability as a response
    By Dieuwertje Westerbaan (sustainability program leader, ROC of Amsterdam - Flevoland)
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    At this roundtable, we explore together how we can work together on sustainability in an integrated/cross-disciplinary way. How can you use challenges (such as teacher shortage, student mental well-being, shortage in certain sectors, etc.) as a starting point for collaboration? How do you use internal collaborations as a flywheel?
  • Inner Development Goals - skills for sustainable development
    By Thomas Noordeloos (lecturer mbo training 'Sustainability Coordinator'/ dhour sustainability coordinator, Yuverta)
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    What will it take to balance the limits of our planet with a minimal social foundation? What does it take to move us more from 'ego' to 'eco'? In this workshop we will explore together what individual and collective qualities and skills we need to realize this. For this we use the framework of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs). We will first work on this individually and discuss the outcomes in the group. Then we make the translation to the secondary education..
  • Directors' Conversation Table 'Devil's dilemmas'
    By Simone Fredriksz (director Albeda) and Madelon de Beus (advisor Learning for Tomorrow)
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    This discussion table is for directors of secondary school institutions only. Administrators will receive a separate invitation. 

14:30 Presentation SustainaBulMBO 2024 & panel discussion

15:45 Plenary closing & networking drinks

17:00 End of program


Practical information

The MBO Symposium Duurzaam Denken & Doen 2024 will take place on Friday, November 29, at Albeda on Rosestraat 1101 in Rotterdam.

Participation is free. A vegetarian lunch will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you on November 29!


Fri November 29, 2024, 10:00 U - 17:00 hrs



Rose Street 1101


Learning for Tomorrow & Albeda

For whom

Anyone who wants to work on sustainability in mbo
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