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Fri 7 October 2022, 17:00 U - 19:30 U

Networking event Teachers for Climate


Large networking event Teachers for Climate
For teachers, educational organizations and providers

Friday, October 7, 5:00-7:30 p.m.

Sign up: info@teachersforclimate.nl
Location: Bijlmer Public School Community, Gulden Kruis 5, Amsterdam
Public transportation: Bijlmer Arena Station, bus 47 or 66

Meet fellow pioneers in the field of sustainable education. Teacher organization Teachers for Climate is once again bringing together teachers, school leaders and providers at an inspiring networking event. The theme: Future thinking, the power of imagination. It's nice if you sign up, to avoid waste, the teachers are happy to purchase drinks and snacks on demand. Admission: voluntary contribution during the event.

Speakers (17.30-18.15) :

  • Marnix Kluiters, host podcast Ecosophy
  • Linda Hofman, Fontys, researcher future consciousness
  • Frank van Schaik, sustainable teacher Public School Community Bijlmer

Live music by teachers from the Herman Brood Academy.

Sign up at contact@teachersforclimate.nl

Interested in going deeper? Before the drinks, you can attend the teacher training "Transformation through Imagination, future thinking in the classroom," at the same location, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Learn more:
Oct. 7: VO teachers' workshop: Future thinking in the classroom | Technotrend Foundation


Fri 7 October 2022, 17:00 U - 19:30 U


Bijlmer public comprehensive school

Golden Cross 5



For whom

teachers, educational organizations, education advocates
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