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Mon, 19 September 2022, 15:30 U - 17:00 hrs

Learning meeting SustainaBul VO: curriculum and New Curriculum

This meeting focuses on exchange and inspiration. By sharing success stories and practical examples in the group, you learn with and from each other to (further) develop sustainability within your own school. At a previous meeting, for example, participants told about the profile paper and the link was made to important themes in making education more sustainable. 

On September 19, we will focus on curriculum and zoom in on opportunities and possibilities of the New Way of Learning. To learn well from each other, we ask you to explore and complete the answers to the questions on curriculum in advance. We also ask some participants to share a success story: a good practice. Sign up before September 8 and we will send you an email with all the information you need to participate.

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This meeting is part of the SustainaBul VO. The SustainaBul VO is a clear framework for the development of a sustainable school and a learning community. It is a tool to start the conversation about sustainability at your school, through the inspiration you gain during meetings with colleagues from other schools. All information can be found on our website vo.sustainabul.com, after you create a free account. You become part of the community by joining one of our meetings! Sign up immediately before September 19 and reserve October 11 (15.30-17.00 - digital) and November 30 (15.00-20.00 - during VO symposium in Almere, AERES) in your calendar for the next meetings!


Mon, 19 September 2022, 15:30 U - 17:00 hrs




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