Which appliances guzzle the most power? How many lights are on at home? Junior Energy Coach challenges children. With weekly challenges, experiments, secret envelopes, puzzles and games, children (and parents) discover how to save. Children are named Junior Energy Coach and parents' wallets stay a little fuller.
Oct. 7 starts the next round.
What is Junior Energy Coach?
- Educational project for children 7 to 12 years old
- Subscribe with your school class, scouting or bso group
- For five weeks, about 15 to 30 minutes per week
- Contributes to core objectives 35, 39 and 42
- A personalized starter kit and secret mail for each child
- Challenges for home, facts, puzzles and experiments
- Learn about your energy consumption online and offline in a fun way
- Good for our planet, good for your wallet
- In more and more municipalities, your group can participate for free