Albeda and the Learning for Tomorrow Cooperative are organizing the next collegiate directors' meeting on sustainability in mbo.
What do you do and can you do from your position or role as manager: as director of staff services, program director, site director, team manager? What are you up against in the process of becoming more sustainable? Through the conversation, we try to learn from each other, encourage, inspire and support each other. The previous collegial directors' meeting was a rich conversation that led to many more questions.
This time we talk to Rien van Sprundel, program leader Albeda Duurzaam and director of operations, about his experiences in recent years. How can you support education from operations and vice versa? How do you make the connection? Where is the resistance and how do you deal with it? Albeda participates annually in SustainaBul MBO, and finished in first place for the second time in 2024.
From a business management standpoint, several activities are conceivable that can support education:
- Procurement and contract management: Entering into contracts that include CSR agreements, such as offering company visits, excursions and guest lessons on sustainability. However, experience shows that the education system has difficulty scheduling these activities within the school year.
- Facilities and Housing: Practical examples and ways of integrating sustainability into business operations can inspire education. According to Rien, however, cooperation with education in this area could be better: "My experience is that cooperation with education could be better here."
- Are there examples of institutions that do manage to make this connection and how do they do it?
- What do you run into from operations and education that prevents this connection from being made?
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For your information: Learning for Tomorrow recently introduced the collegial directors' meeting. These are online meetings in which ideas are exchanged in an open and collegial atmosphere about how to strengthen sustainability in mbo from your specific function or role. Following this, we are now also organizing, together with one of the members of Learning for Tomorrow, a collegial directors' meeting. These meetings are intended for all executives within mbo institutions who are interested in this. Besides participating, you can also propose a case that we can focus on during a next meeting. Please send a message to
Please note that this meeting is specifically intended for directors of mbo institutions. For sustainability coordinators and administrators we organize separate knowledge-sharing meetings. Keep an eye on our calendar for more information.