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Fri February 10, 2023, 09:00 U - 13:00 U

Circular Skills Meetup

Circular Skills Meetup

Circular Skills Meetup

We are in full transition towards a circular and inclusive society, but how do we get there? How can we equip (future) workers with the skills, knowledge and attitudes they need to thrive in this society? Where are we in the transition and what is your role in it all? 

Meetup on February 10. The Circular Skills Meetup is the event for professionals from education, business, research institutions and governments working on the circular transition. Together we will explore what themes are at play, how to move forward by learning, innovating and connecting, and what are the next steps you can take! 

In in-depth sessions we will work together to share experiences and find answers together to the above questions. You will meet other pioneering teachers, school leaders, professors and practitioners and learn from transition experts in the Netherlands to work in a systemic way. Participation in the event is free.

Unfortunately, all spots for this event are filled. However, it is possible to sign up for the reserve list! When signing up for the reserve list, you may be contacted if spots arise due to cancellations.

Sign up for the reserve list

This event is organized in cooperation with Katapult, CINOP and KplusV.


Chairman of the day:     Giuseppe van der Helm
When:     February 10, 2023; 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location:     The court of Cartesius, at Utrecht

    Unfortunately not wheelchair accessible


Time Activity
 9 a.m. Walk-in with coffee and tea
 9:15 a.m. Opening by Giuseppe van der Helm - Learning for Tomorrow
   9:30 a.m. Transition thinking in practice with Carien van der Have - DRIFT

Carien van der Have is a consultant and researcher at DRIFT. At the Meetup, she will teach us how to understand transitions, what roles and competencies are needed to influence transitions and give us practical tools to keep learning in the circular transition.

10:15 a.m. A circular society in 2050

To apply transition theory to everyday professional practice, we will break into groups to sketch their ideal picture of the future. What does the circular economy look like in 2050? In groups we sketch a picture of the future: what do we do and learn in a fully-fledged circular society? When will the transition be successful? Where do we all want to go?

 10:45 a.m. Interactive expo of best practices

Time for inspiration! Great real-life examples present themselves at this expo. They show what they do and how they got there. With plenty of room to ask questions and make connections. Together we plot projects & best practices and discuss lessons learned. In the room, several best practices from the network are presented and new links are made for future collaborations. We merge the previously outlined future perspectives into one unified picture. This is the challenge we face.

 11:40 a.m. Time for some abrasion!

In a transition, abrasion occurs because of the different interests at play, but also because of the different roles people assume. In an interactive workshop you will experience which roles you encounter in a transition and how you can deal with them. How do you link with others? What do you need from whom to move forward in the transition? Abrasion is often seen as something negative. In this workshop you will experience that abrasion can be the beginning of cooperation towards the next phase of transition.

 12:40 And now... Action!  

As a collective, we reflect on the session and transition of the network. What do we take away from these experiences and what is needed to continue making impact. How do we find each other in this transition and what small steps can we take in our common ambition for a circular economy.

12:50 Closing and feedback




Fri February 10, 2023, 09:00 U - 13:00 U


The court of Cartesius, Utrecht


For whom

For anyone who wants to learn in the circular transition
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